Tackling Misconceptions – A Parental Perspective


Tackling Misconceptions – A Parental Perspective; Pete Elwick and Amandine Mourière


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Pete Elwick – grandad to a young boy with autism and Community Liaison Team Leader at the Institute – and Amandine Mourière – Training & Accreditation Team Leader at the Institute – put forward responses to some of the misconceptions around Intensive Interaction such as:

“Intensive Interaction…is that the thing where you imitate everything?”

“It’s NOT about us being directive; it’s about giving control to our child.”

“Intensive Interaction is effortless.”

“Intensive Interaction can only be done in a quiet place.”

“It is a nice thing to do but it’s not really teaching ….”

“Some don’t like doing Intensive Interaction …”

Intended to be a useful guide for parents and carers it is an engaging read based on the background research into Intensive Interaction and Pete’s own experience.

It is free to download